S.O.A.R Child Care
Enroll Today!
(240) 702-3891
School-Age Opportunities for Achievement and Recreation
License # 161521
Important Update: 4/3/2020
Update 4/3/2020- As we continue through this COVID-19 crisis, SOAR will remain closed for the next two weeks. We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy and look forward when we can open our doors again. Please check back with us on April 17 for our next update. We miss you ALL!
Important Update: 3/17/2020
Effective Immediately- As mandated by County Officials and MSDE, all daycares in schools must closed due to the State of Emergency. This includes SOAR in Washington Grove Elementary. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please check back with us for additional information.
Important Update: 3/16/2020
Effective Immediately- SOAR will close FRIDAYS at 4pm for cleaning and sanitizing during the State of Emergency. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to provide care to all of our families during these unprecedented times.
3/13/2020- 4:30pm: Coronavirus Update
We are sure that you are as concerned with the Coronavirus and the current State of Emergency as we are.
After receiving notification from Montgomery County, SOAR will be closed Monday, March 16th and Tuesday, March 17th, and re-open on Wednesday, March 18th on regular business hours.
***Please note- These openings and closures are subject to change as we receive more information from MD State Officials.
We will continue to sanitize and take extra measures to maintain cleanliness, proper hygienic practices, and close monitoring this current situation. Families can help, too, by reinforcing handwashing for at least 20 seconds, covering coughs, sneezing into elbows, and staying home when sick. If your child is sick and exhibiting symptoms such as fever, runny nose, etc… please keep your child home. We will require immediate pick up of your child and must be 24-hours symptom free before returning.
We will continue to update you as new information arrives. We appreciate your patience and understanding, as these are unprecedented times and circumstances. Please be sure to check our website and Facebook for the most current information.